What's New?
9/12/04 - Well The New computer is finally up n working...still some kinks to work out but it's functional.
So now I can get back to making more of my comics n stuff. So expect updates. Maybe not too many though cuz school is making
me busy n Marching Band's making me too tired to do much even if I am sitting in front of the computer. But yea so you can
at least start to expect updates now.
8/23/04 - hey this is ShAa I'm finally done doing my
surprise. It's a message board! It's not great yet...but once people join and chat on it and stuff I will make it better.
I decided to let Moose run the board though so I made her name for admin and used a password she can remember. so I'm not
going to be registered as admin. but hopefully someone will go and check it out! it's in the site footer! ShAa OUT!
8/15/04 - added KFC's profile to the profile's page.
Don't expect many updates for a while though cuz I'm waiting for my dad to hook up our new computer
so I'm tryting not to do too many stuffs cuz I'll lose it when I switch to the other computer and some other confusing stuff
you dun care about.
8/6/04 - Hey KFC here. Just thought I'd let you know
I have my own email adress and if ya wanna email me go right ahead. and I'm gonna get my own Xanga here shortly so it'll be
in the links on the site footer soon. Chiao!
7/23/04 - Hey! This be Da MoOsE!
I decided to make an easier way to look at the characters' profiles so you can go to the profiles
page and check it out. I dont' have many up at the moment (well actualyl at the exact moment it's just Zippy) but I will put
more up soon. I'm also working on a new sprite comic for the first comic so that will be up sometime. And I'm writing up idea
for a new sprite comic. one on a more serious side. Hopefully I can think of something good.