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The Insanity Filled World Of Xega Comics

Comic #01: The First Adventure

Issue #01

Issue #02

Issue #03

Issue #04

Issue #05

Soon To Come...
The Adventures Of Tawnya The Hedgehog - Tawnya's the hero in the world of Xega. So I decided to make her her own very special comic. (In Process)
(untitled) - (featuring Saidey The Dog)
This is a more serious side of Xega about a formally abused pup who is saved by another brave dog. It's basecly her own story and holds aplace in the world of Xega
Taking Place 4 Years From Now...Searching For Chase (Featuring ShAa the Fox)
This is another more serious comic that will be in my series but hopefully it'll be for good reading and interesting to see what happens to Xega over 4 years... (In Process)

I b new at this so excuse me if itz bad

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