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BlinG's Advice 4 U

BlinG's advice for....whenever he feels like giving advice....VERY stupid advice

BlinG's Advice

8/10/04 - Damn I relly don't get on this much! NEways...have you heard my theme song? Yea my advice 4 u today is in that! But incase you haven't heard it goes like this
Hey Kid, Take My Advice! You Don't Wanna Step Into A Big Pile Of Shit!

hmmmm advice....I ain't got none right now....too high


BlinG's emails

why do they call you Bling? is that really your real name and why do you spell it with two capital letters anyway? and why does u rule?...and why do you smoke pot??? hmm??

why do they call me BlinG, you ask? That's my real name! DUH! how many brains does it take to get that one! Why do I spell it with two capital letters?? hmm...I dunno maybe because that's how my mother spelled it! I dunno why I rule it's just cuz I'm sooo fucking awesome! heehehe! and the pot thing...well....that's classified information. I love to get high. it makes me feel....well....high!

Bling huge.jpg

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